Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekend Card Challenge

Club Scrap's blog recently showed an "engineered" card that caught the attention of my friend Jen.  So I opened my big mouth and set up a weekend challenge among friends to see what we could all come up with using the format as our guide.  The results have been amazing.  I am finally completing one worthy of displaying after several false starts and goof-ups.

With the exception of the ribbon, all materials are from Echo Park's "Chillingsworth Manor" collection.




  1. Oooooh, spooky! Love this engineered card. This paper set is toooo cool. So glad you challenged us to make these this weekend. Great challenge.

  2. Btw, love that little addition of a butterfly.

  3. absolutely spectacular. How can you go wrong with a name like Chillingsworth Manor? It's fun just to say it :).
